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AgrouladoThe first oil of the year
AltasoliesSalted olives
AletrividiarisWorker mill
AcidityCriterion quality evaluation of olive oil
AmourThe sediment after treatment oil
AxagiaPay the merchant. For every bushel of olive keeping the 100 drams oil producer
BagDucts through which pass the “amour” outside the factory
BaskaOld wooden presses where the oil is separated from broken kernels. They consist of two plates, one of which was lower still, while he went on slowly – slowly using a screw
CapesWoven fabrics of cotton or burlap to run in the olive
ChamourieraMetal tank where gather the pulp of olives (trappings)
ConditionsOil container
CrownClay jars with gold plated inner enamel (glass) to save oil
CookedA small container of oil
ElaiodichtoOlive net
FabrikaThe mill
GreaseproofClear waterproof paper
GigoumiaFrom tin cans
KapiriBaked bread dipped in agourolado
  • Neratzolies: Fat Olives ripen before
  • Ntormpades, ntorvades: linen cloth in the shape file which puts the dough to get into the press
  • Oil: oil stain on
  • Oily: Made with oil, fasting *, * he has too much oil
  • Olive: the scientific cultivation of olive
  • Olives: The olive fruit
  • Oil-cake: The kernel – the kernel of the olive
  • Oil-press: press for pressing the olives
  • Olive Press: The mill
  • Olive Oil Industry: Oil Processing
  • OMW: The dregs after treatment oil
  • Oka: 1 Unit of oil oka = 1,28 kgr
  • Painting: Painting with oil paints
  • Pitchers: ized vessels – oil capacity of 6.5 kilos
  • Paletses: see Somewhat
  • Polimi: The tank in front of the press gathered where the fluid came from the press (oil and water) after “thermization”
  • Pot: Large ceramic container for storing oil, jar
  • Refining: Chemical treatment of olive oil
  • Sgournes: Stone or concrete tank where the juice concentrate after pressure
  • Spastolies: Cracked Olives
  • Stamos: The operation to separate the oil from the pulp
  • Stetis: What in the ntormpades in press
  • Sgournes: Stone or concrete tank where the juice concentrate after pressure
  • Stamos: The operation to separate the oil from the pulp
  • Stetis: What in the ntormpades in press
  • Skin bags: hides from animals to transport oil
  • Slack: It contains oil
  • Swimming: Olives in brine
  • Sediment: The sediment after treatment oil
  • Thermization: Process by which hot water thrown in tsoupia located in the press
  • Taximi: Small tank which stores the “amour”
  • Tsantilas: The ntormpades
  • Tsoupia: linen cloth in the shape file which puts the dough to get into the press
  • Trappings: The pulp obtained by milling the olives
  • Xydoulies: ripe olives with vinegar